Monday, September 28, 2009

Fat Loss Project Day 15

Great day today! After work, our crew did trash clean-up on our adopted street. That took about an hour and then came home to workout. I'm loving the walking lunges. They are one of my favorite exercises. I am able to incorporate our Bowflex Revolution into some of this weeks exercises - standing band rotations and band pull-downs.

Nutrition -

Breakfast - 6:50am
Omelette made per Coach Rylan's recipe
1/2 apple

AM Snack - 9:45am
Quick shake per Coach's recipe

Lunch - 12:30pm
Mexican Salad with chicken per Coach's recipe (thank goodness I pre-made this because I wouldn't have had time to make it on my lunch break)

PM snack - 3:45pm
1 cup edamame with 1/2T olive oil and sea salt

Dinner - 8:30pm
Salmon burger per Coach's recipe (pretty good stuff!)
2 cups salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots

Snack - 9:45pm
1 cup popcorn

Exercise -

Cardio - 7pm
warmup - 5min walking at 3.5 - 4mph
run 2min @ 85% intensity /walk 2 min x4

Get ups with 3lbs 15 reps x3
Pushups - 15 reps x 3 (all on floor, 1/2 on knees)
Burpees - 10 reps x3 with 6lbs
Walking lunges - 12 reps x 3
Standing Band Rotations - 10 reps x 3 each side (15lbs resistance on Bowflex)
Band Pull-downs - 10 reps x 3 (15lbs resistance on Bowflex)

60 seconds rest between sets

Water intake - 3L+

1 comment:

  1. Hiya

    Well done on your plan so far - am saying hi as per Rylans new instructions today!

    Walking lunges are great arent they! really hit the spot!!

    Keep up the good work Sarahx
